Monthly Archives: April 2017

Is Reading Habit Really Declining?

27818904945_3d58104f28_nA well known publisher once expressed his concern about the declining reading habit these days. He seemed to be extremely worried and started a discussion on Facebook asking how to encourage reading habit. Some people gave very good input. The discussion was over in a few days — the usual lifetime of any Facebook post. However, couple of months later, the publisher posted the same query once again! This time nobody replied to him. Continue reading

When You Fight, The Whole World Watches


Disputes, arguments, altercations are quite common in international cricket matches. As a child, I enjoyed such incidents even more than the matches! Even today, now and then I stop by YouTube and watch videos of such past fights. They are so funny! I also notice that such videos usually get more than 50-60 thousand views. Continue reading

अनायास प्राप्त वस्तु का सम्मान नहीं किया जाता


पेड-पौधे, जन्तु-जानवर आदि के बारे में गहरी जानकारी रखने में मेरी कभी दिलचस्पी नहीं रही, इसलिए मुझे अधिकांश पेडों और जन्तुओं का नाम नहीं पता । यह स्थिति और अधिक कठिन तब हो जाती है जब किसी दूसरी भाषा में कोई लेख पढा जा रहा हो । अब जब अपनी ही भाषा में पौधों का नाम नहीं पता, तो भला दूसरी भाषा में क्या पता चलेगा ! Continue reading

Do Surnames Carry Signatures Of Migration?


Surname is a very involved subject, which encompasses caste, profession, language and native place. For example, you need not be told where your colleague Bandyopadhyay hails from or why your neighbour Agarkar is not a Bihari. As long as surnames are unique — Rao, Gowda, Chaturvedi, Mukherjee or Kulkarni — everything is fine. However, whenever there is an overlap — obvious or apparent — new questions arise. An example could be Trivedi. Today we would discuss few such cases. Note that here our aim is not about the classification and nomenclature per se, nor do we attempt at understanding the logic behind surname and its distinction from Jati, Varna, or Gotra. Here we are only concerned with the migration or movement of people as reflected in their surnames. Continue reading