Tag Archives: Faith

Stories That Influenced Me: The Beggar At Bus Stop


Photo source: huffingtonpost.in

This story had appeared in Navabharat Times and is among the shortest pieces of fiction I have read. This story showed how intense emotion can be generated even with very few words, so that elaborate melodrama is absolutely not required. Now, in the beginning itself, let me raise the alert that the philosophy of the story is debatable. I myself couldn’t convince myself to the thinking of this story. This is a complex world, circumstances do not follow any computer algorithm; people are not logical creatures — it is not necessary that any person would act the same way in all possible circumstances and would deal with everybody in absolutely same fashion irrespective of the state of mind or circumstances. Anyway, let me narrate the story. Continue reading

Stories That Influenced Me: The Night Bus

8687566638_c29e76810c_n (1)I had gone to Delhi for some exam and was now returning to Rishikesh by evening bus. It is a usual practice among students to make the 6-hour night journey to take various competitive exams. Buses were efficient and comfortable. Bus journeys also allow us  to come across different people from different backgrounds and help us see the different shades of this colourful world. Continue reading


जब मैं सब्जी खरीदने गया तो दुकानदार का छोटा बच्चा अपनी माँ से साइकिल खरीदने की हठ कर रहा था और उसकी माँ उसे विभिन्न प्रकार से बहलाने का प्रयास कर रही थी । अंत में बच्चा पास में खडी मेरी साइकिल पर चढने लगा । खरीदारी करने के बाद जब मैंने साइकिल निकालनी चाही, तो बच्चा हटने के लिए तैयार न हुआ । मैंने बडे प्यार से कहा – Continue reading