Monthly Archives: September 2017

जो गरजते हैं वो बरसते नहीं

4380042754_54ae574115_nयदि किसी से “जो गरजते हैं वो बरसते नहीं” का अर्थ उदाहरण देकर समझाने के लिए कहा जाए, तो मेरे विचार से अधिकांश लोग वेंकटेश प्रसाद और आमिर सुहेल के द्वन्द्व का वर्णन करेंगे । घटना है बीस साल पहले 15 मार्च 1996 की । कितनी आश्चर्यजनक बात है न, कि सभी ऐतिहासिक घटनाएँ हमारी स्मृति के रसातल से 20 साल बाद ही सतह पर आती हैं । ओ हेनरी की इसी शीर्षक की एक कहानी है, और विश्वजीत-अभिनीत एक हिन्दी फिल्म भी है । बहरहाल, हम बात कर रहे हैं 1996 की । Continue reading

Walking Alone


How painful it is when trust is shaken, when we are let down, are not supported by the people we had counted upon! You could say it is wrong to have expectations, and perhaps you are correct. Yet, a child who walks for the first time in the outside world cannot help it. It needs support, or perhaps just security, an assurance that there is someone to hold hand in case it stumbles. But soon it realizes that there was no one. Those it had thought were behind its back, watching carefully its every step, had in fact already walked away long ago.

photo credit: Anne Worner Introspection via photopin (license)


Black Sheep: (noun) a person who has done something bad which brings embarrassment or disrespect to their family. (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)


1- Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh gets 20 years in jail, The Indian Express, 28 August, 2017.

2- Asaram rape case: Supreme Court questions Gujarat govt over slow trial, Hindustan Times,  28 August, 2017.

3- Self-styled godman Rampal let off in two criminal cases but will remain in jail, India Today, 29 August, 2017.

4- Ram Rahim’s conviction has embarrassed religious figures: Ramdev, The Hindu, 29 August, 2017.


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